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‎04-30-2009 01:09 AM
‎05-05-2009 06:46 PM
‎05-06-2009 12:00 AM
NetAdminNJ wrote:
In the consolidated LSWP 3.51 install the forest root for the local domain is identified and queried but not the cross domains/forest for which I am providing a userid+password belonging to that domain.
‎04-30-2009 11:41 PM
‎04-30-2009 06:36 PM
‎04-30-2009 10:21 AM
NetAdminNJ wrote:
With 3.2 Lansweeper I had Forest 1 with x, Forest 2 with y and Forest 3 with z number of devices.
I installed 3.51 in Forest 1. And setup active scannning and domain configuration setup for Forest 2 and 3 in the 3.51 Lansweeper setup, I am not seeing y for Forest 2 and z for Forest 3.
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