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‎11-02-2016 12:53 PM
‎03-04-2021 07:40 AM
Ian.Prentice wrote:
Hi Folks,
I have set up a number of email alerts, but I find that when I select the Export Type as HTML, the alerts come in using american date format - mm/dd/yyyy. everything else in Lansweeper is UK format - dd/mm/yyyy. date format is ok when I use Export Type as Excel.
Any idea how to fix this as its causing confusion.
Thanks in advance for your help.
‎03-04-2021 10:31 AM
Vapoured wrote:
You're not the only one!
I too also am annoyed at having reports emailed from the 30th month of the year and no way to correct them. 😅
6 years after your post and there doesn't seem to be a way that I can find, I've been snooping though files and still couldn't find anything yet.
BryanIan.Prentice wrote:
Hi Folks,
I have set up a number of email alerts, but I find that when I select the Export Type as HTML, the alerts come in using american date format - mm/dd/yyyy. everything else in Lansweeper is UK format - dd/mm/yyyy. date format is ok when I use Export Type as Excel.
Any idea how to fix this as its causing confusion.
Thanks in advance for your help.
‎11-08-2016 06:07 PM
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