I deleted your other post, as it appeared to be a duplicate of this one. I've included a sample report below that you can add to your installation by following
these instructions.
Select Distinct Top 1000000 tblADGroups.Name As ADGroupName,
tblADGroups.Description As ADGroupDescription,
Case tblADGroups.GroupType When -2147483646 Then 'security - global'
When -2147483644 Then 'security - local' When -2147483643 Then 'built-in'
When -2147483640 Then 'security - universal'
When 2 Then 'distribution - global' When 4 Then 'distribution - local'
When 8 Then 'distribution - universal' End As ADGroupType
From tblADMembership
Right Join tblADGroups On tblADMembership.ParentAdObjectID =
Left Join tblADusers
On tblADusers.ADObjectID = tblADMembership.ChildAdObjectID
Where (tblADusers.ADObjectID Is Null) Or
(tblADusers.ADObjectID = '')
Order By ADGroupName