Your report originally contained the
AssetID. This field won't be listed in reports, it is only being used to create links to asset pages if you add
tblAssets.Assetname as well.
If you would like to count the numbers of same events on all your machines, remove the AssetID from the Select and Group part of the report query:
Select Top 1000000 tblNtlogSource.Sourcename As EventSource,
Count(tblNtlog.EventlogID) As EventCount
From tblAssets
Inner Join tblNtlog On tblAssets.AssetID = tblNtlog.AssetID
Inner Join tblNtlogSource On tblNtlogSource.SourcenameID =
Inner Join tblNtlogMessage On tblNtlogMessage.MessageID = tblNtlog.MessageID
Where tblNtlog.TimeGenerated > GetDate() - 1
Group By tblNtlogSource.Sourcename,
Order By EventCount Desc