I want to create an inventory report that shows:
Comp Name: -- Model: -- Serial: -- Wireless MAC: -- Ethernet MAC:
Right now everything is working except I can not differentiate b/w wireless and hard wired MAC addresses. The final report shows the computer twice with the two different addresses. Instead of the desired output as above Ex:
Comp Name: -- Model: -- Serial: -- MAC Address
PC-01.............NCS ....... T001 .... 00:11:22:33:44 Ethernet
PC-01 ............ NCS ..... T001 ..... 34:FE:22:54:23 Wireless
So I would really like everything to be on one line. Right now I am using the IPenabled = 1 to show only the two adapters I am using. I have used an excel sheet in the past with WMI and have used Win32_NetworkAdapter Class along with NetConnectionID to determine if wireless or not. But lansweeper only has Win32_Network Class not Win32_NetworkAdapter Class. So How can I do this?