The report below returns a log of who tried to log into the Lansweeper web console (successfully or unsuccessfully) and when.
This report only works in Lansweeper 6.0 or a more recent Lansweeper release, as tracking of web console login events was first added to Lansweeper 6.0. More information on this feature can be found in
this knowledge base article. If you haven't already, you can update your Lansweeper installation to version 6.0 by following
these instructions.
Select Top 1000000 tblLoginLog.Date As LoginDate,
Case tblLoginLog.Success When 1 Then 'yes' When 0 Then 'no'
End As LoginSuccessful,
tblLoginLog.UserName As Username,
tblLoginLog.cert As Certificate,
Case tblLoginLog.Success When 1 Then 'green' When 0 Then 'red'
End As foregroundcolor,
Case tblLoginLog.Success When 1 then '#dfffdb' when 0 Then '#fbfb86' End As backgroundcolor
From tblLoginLog
Order By LoginDate Desc