Lansweeper wrote:
Select tblPrinters.Computername, tblPrinters.Caption, tblPrinters.Portname,
tblPrinters.Sharename, tblPrinters.Location
From tblPrinters where tblprinters.Caption not like 'Microsoft Office%'
I used the "%" wildcard as a sample.
That works fine. I tried to exclude CutePDF too. When i added that cutepdf nothing was excluded anymore. Not even 'Microsoft%'. No errors shown. What's wrong with the code?
Select tblPrinters.Computername, tblPrinters.Caption, tblPrinters.Portname,
tblPrinters.Sharename, tblPrinters.Location
From tblPrinters
Where (tblPrinters.Caption Not Like 'Microsoft%') Or
(tblPrinters.Caption Not Like 'CutePDF%')
I think i solved the problem. I need to use 'And' not 'Or.