@RolandB, it took me some time to get this far, but here's what I came up with. Not perfect by my standards, but should provide a starting point for others as well.
First I went thru the Software Authorization list and either Approved, Unapproved or left Unrated all the software I had.
Second was to add this chart to the dashboard for reporting. I labeled mine "Chart: Unapproved Software" and choose Bar as the display. Also I left on the data table for additional information.
Select Top (1000000) tblSoftwareUni.softwareName As Software,
Count(tblSoftwareUni.SoftID) As [Unapproved Software]
From tblSoftware
Inner Join tblAssets On tblSoftware.AssetID = tblAssets.AssetID
Inner Join tblSoftwareUni On tblSoftware.softID = tblSoftwareUni.SoftID
Where tblSoftwareUni.Approved = 2
Group By tblSoftwareUni.softwareName,
Chart: Unapproved Software
I'd like to have the software linkable to show the assets their on.
If anyone has any ideas I'm open to trying them.
Hope this helps.