I am trying to run a report that shows all of my servers, and when their Warranty End Date will be. I have been trying to piece together existing queries, but I have not had any real success.
I'm trying to start with the Asset: Warranty Status report as my base, but I want to restrict it to only Physical Servers.
I found a post here, http://www.lansweeper.com/forum/yaf_postst9064_I-just-need-a-report-to-show-all-server.aspx#post36086 that restricts output to servers, however it only shows Windows servers, not VMware ESXi servers.
I would only like to include the fields from this post, Computer Name, Manufacturer, Model, and only list Physical servers, since virtual ones have no hardware and will not have a warranty. I would like this added to my modified Asset: Warranty Status report.