Fairly new to LanSweeper, trying to get a report to show machines which are not up to date with MS patches and their AV status (AV software, installed/not installed, uptodate/not up to date).
So started with this report https://www.lansweeper.com/forum/yaf_postsm50430_Ransomware--MS17-010-Windows-computers-that-are-potentialy-vulnerable.aspx#post50430, and the 'Workstation: All workstations with Anti-virus software' built in report, to try to combine the two....
And then got lost...
Essentially I'd like to add three columns to the 'WannaCry' report: Software (AV software), Version, Enabled, Uptodate...
IDEALLY I'd like this in graphical form as well - maybe a couple of pie charts, one showing all WSs, split into those vulnerable and those not, then a separate one for 'vulnerable WSs only' showing those with up to date AV, out of date AV, no AV, and AV disabled.
Then the next idea would be to take this report and regularly populate it with new KBs/Fixes from MS, and ask LS to show me how many machines didn't have:
latest patch
Patches released more than 7 days ago
Patches released more than 30 days ago
(etc... maybe be able to select a time/cut off for patch release age).
Much of this may already be available, but I can't seem to find it ATM.