Is there a way to write reports but disable the auto formatting feature? The automatic addition and removal of brackets into queries is incredibly frustrating, and just completely wrong most of the time.
For example, I've just tried the below in another report:
Add this in the constraints editor:
Like 'team1-%' Or Like 'team2-%' Or Like 'team3-%'
This correctly gives me:
AND (tblAssets.AssetName Like 'team1-%' Or tblAssets.AssetName Like 'team2-%' Or
tblAssets.AssetName Like 'team3-%')
However if I then add an exclusion into my constraint (that I want to apply to the whole OR group):
Like 'team1-%' Or Like 'team2-%' Or Like 'team3-%' And Not Like 'team%-a%'
it incorrectly brackets this to be:
AND (tblAssets.AssetName Like 'team1-%' Or tblAssets.AssetName Like 'team2-%' Or
(tblAssets.AssetName Like 'team3-%' AND tblAssets.AssetName Not Like 'team%-a%'))
No matter what I try, it puts the brackets back, or removes the whole Not Like part of my query.