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Engaged Sweeper II
I am currently using the built in report 'Computer: Encryptable volumes' to list the BitLocker Protection status of drives. But I found out that this includes all drive types that support BitLocker. So it is including external USB drives. We are only encrypting internal drives and I need to be able to report which systems have internal drives that are not protected.

There is another report 'Drive: External usb drives' that appears to list external drives. Which is how I can see that the first report is including these drives as well.

I haven't been able to find a custom report or forum post about this. I am terrible at writing reports.

Can anyone help create a report that will list the ON/OFF/Unknown BitLocker protection status of all fixed internal drives?
If that is the proper way to exclude external drives. I don't think Windows can tell the difference between an external eSata drive and an internal Sata drive. But that should be a very rare case in our environment.
Engaged Sweeper II
CyberCitizen wrote:
This is a report I have which I think covers most of what your after, could be tweaked as necessary.
Where tblEncryptableVolume.DriveLetter = 'C:' And Case
When tblEncryptableVolume.ProtectionStatus = 0 Then 'OFF'
When tblEncryptableVolume.ProtectionStatus = 1 Then 'ON'
End = 'OFF' And tblAssetCustom.Manufacturer Not Like 'Apple Inc.'

You simply took the existing 'Computer: Encryptable volumes' report and added a restriction to only show Drive C and exclude Apple devices.

I need a report that shows only ALL internal drives. The default report at least shows ALL drives compared to your version which only shows Drive C, which I can easily filter the existing report output for that. But I need a report that shows ALL drives but excludes external drives.

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