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Engaged Sweeper II
I am working on a report to return all DNS servers used on clients. I seem to be getting multiple entries on some clients. It appears that windows stores previous configurations of cards. I have quite a few computers reporting that they have a previous configuration on one line, than the current configuration.

Select Top 1000000 dbo.tblComputers.ComputerUnique, dbo.tblComputers.Userdomain,
dbo.tblComputers.Username, dbo.tblNetwork.DNSServerSearchOrder As
[DNS server], dbo.tblNetwork.IPAddress, dbo.tblNetwork.Lastchanged,
dbo.tblNetwork.DefaultIPGateway, dbo.tblNetwork.DHCPserver,
From dbo.tblComputers Inner Join
dbo.tblNetwork On dbo.tblComputers.Computername = dbo.tblNetwork.Computername
Where dbo.tblNetwork.DNSServerSearchOrder <> '' And dbo.tblNetwork.IPAddress <>
'' And dbo.tblNetwork.IPEnabled = 1 And dbo.tblNetwork.IPAddress <> ''
Order By dbo.tblNetwork.DNSServerSearchOrder

Any thoughts on how to determine the correct entry, and cull the incorect entries for this report?

Thanks in advance,

Engaged Sweeper II
The incorect entries are from before the Lansweeper installation. They show old DNS servers that were removed. Plus they are configured with DHCP, so they would get updated. Does it look at inactive nic profiles?

Where would I set the wait time?
john_e_wagner wrote:
The incorect entries are from before the Lansweeper installation.

In this case the waittime is not the problem.
Most likely the information is still in the registry.
Lansweeper Alumni
i think the waittime is set to high for this item which gives incorrect (old) data.

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