The version "number" is stored as a string, so trying to do comparisons as if it were a number is of limited use.
From my network's inventory, Adobe Flash Player's version info appears to be consistently recorded as 'a.b.c.d'. As long as that doesn't change, you can slice that up, convert the component pieces to integers and then do your comparisons against that.
Given the dots can be located as:
CharIndex('.', s.softwareVersion) AS dot1,
CharIndex('.', s.softwareVersion, CharIndex('.', s.softwareVersion)+1) AS dot2,
CharIndex('.', s.softwareVersion, CharIndex('.', s.softwareVersion, CharIndex('.', s.softwareVersion)+1)+1) AS dot3,
You should be able to pull the numbers with something like:
Cast(Left(s.softwareVersion, CharIndex('.', s.softwareVersion) - 1) As BigInt) AS ver_1,
CharIndex('.', s.softwareVersion) + 1,
CharIndex('.', s.softwareVersion, CharIndex('.', s.softwareVersion)+1) - CharIndex('.', s.softwareVersion) -1) AS BigInt) AS ver_2,
CharIndex('.', s.softwareVersion, CharIndex('.', s.softwareVersion)+1)+1,
CharIndex('.', s.softwareVersion, CharIndex('.', s.softwareVersion, CharIndex('.', s.softwareVersion)+1)+1) - CharIndex('.', s.softwareVersion, CharIndex('.', s.softwareVersion)+1) -1) AS BigInt) AS ver_3,
Cast(Right(s.softwareVersion, Len(s.softwareVersion) - CharIndex('.', s.softwareVersion, CharIndex('.', s.softwareVersion, CharIndex('.', s.softwareVersion)+1)+1)) AS BigInt) AS ver_4
There may be a cleaner way to do it, but that's a quick-and-dirty solution that can get you started.
Depending on how precise you want to get, your WHERE clause might end up big and ugly, but you should be able to make it work.