I'm looking for a report which will give me a count of certain device types by group.
For example I have a group named "Milan" which contains all machines in the Milan IP ranges (we have multiple ranges per site).
I managed to create this report by IP range following advice on this forum (thanks!), which gives me results in this format:
Milan IP range 1 - Printers - 12
Milan IP range 1 - Windows - 30
Milan IP range 2 - Printers - 4
Milan IP range 2 - Windows - 10
And so on.
However, at a glance this requires manually adding up the devices per range to discover the devices per site.
How do I write a report which will give me a count of all assets of certain types by group, rather than by IP range?
For example:
Milan - Printers - 16
Milan - Windows - 40
and so on.
Thanks for any help,