' This is a sample report that shows all installed microsoft software
' Always start the name of your views with "web30rep"
'Create the view
CREATE VIEW dbo.web30repmicrosoftsoftware
SELECT DISTINCT TOP 100 PERCENT softwareName as Software, softwareVersion as Version, SoftwarePublisher as Publisher
FROM dbo.tblSoftware
WHERE (SoftwarePublisher LIKE '%microsoft%')
ORDER BY softwareName
'Add the view to the reports table
INSERT INTO [tsysreports] ([Reportquery],[Reporttitle]) VALUES ('web30repmicrosoftsoftware','All Microsoft software')
'Add the report to the software reports page
INSERT INTO dbo.tsysreportsoftware
(HomepageQuery, Sortorder, Priority, Showcolor, Showpercentage)
VALUES ('web30repmicrosoftsoftware', 1000, 3, 0, 0)