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Forum Posts

Resolved! Report: Count Assets in Static Group

Hello, I'm relatively new to LANSweeper but I've been tasked with coming up with a report to show the count of assets we have in our Static groups. Data to be used as a report and/or chart.Output to look something like below. Group 1 = 20Group 2 = 30...

aemery by Engaged Sweeper
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Im very new to lansweeper and seem to be having trouble creating a custom report. What Im trying to do is scan our network by site to view inventory. I seem to be having trouble creating a report that includes the following:-IP LOCATION-COMPUTER NAME...

jaycii by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! error while getting report

Hi,When i try to run the following report i get the error message "Error converting data type varchar to numeric"this is the querry i try to run.Select Top 1000000 tblAssets.AssetID, tblAssets.AssetName, tsysAssetTypes.AssetTypename, tsysAssetType...

BartCl by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! modify Software: All Microsoft software report

This may not be possible but the goal is to show how much of all Microsoft titles are used by location. Below would be a sample of what I am trying to achieve.Microsoft Office Professional 2013 NorthAmerica 400Microsoft Office Professional 2013 Af...

jschlepp by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! IIS Report

I would like to create a report that will show ALL servers that are running IIS, IIS version, server name, OS Version, and IP. I am new to Lansweeper so if it already has this report please forgive me.

Ron by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! List all computers except VMmachines?

Hello,I got a simple question. I want to list all computers except VMWare machines.Now I got by AssetTypename = 'windows'. That gives all the computersNow I want to have also integrate a filter on Model, that should be: does not contain VMware or is ...