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Engaged Sweeper

I just started poking with reports and for accounting purposes, I created one that gives me the following information:
Make, Model, Serial Number, Asset Tag, BIOS version, User and Computer Name.

It works pretty well for me but a specific model of computer (Dell M4300) shows up twice in my report. All the other ones are fine. I also noticed that they don't appear twice in the Computers view of Lansweeper.

Here is my query:

Select Top 1000000 tblComputerSystemProduct.Vendor As Vendor, tblComputerSystemProduct.Name As Model, dbo.tblBIOS.SerialNumber, tblSystemEnclosure.SMBIOSAssetTag As [Asset Tag], dbo.tblBIOS.SMBIOSBIOSVersion As [BIOS Version], dbo.tblComputers.Computer, dbo.tblComputers.Username From dbo.tblComputers Inner Join dbo.tblBIOS On dbo.tblComputers.Computername = dbo.tblBIOS.Computername Inner Join tblSystemEnclosure On dbo.tblComputers.Computername = tblSystemEnclosure.Computername Inner Join tblComputerSystemProduct On dbo.tblComputers.Computername = tblComputerSystemProduct.Computername

Thanks for your help!
Engaged Sweeper
Awesome!! Money is on the way 🙂
Lansweeper Alumni
I believe dockingstation is chassis '12'

You can use something like
"where tblSystemEnclosure.chassistype <> 12"
Engaged Sweeper
Thanks for the quick answer!! These computers have docking stations. Is there any way around?

Lansweeper Alumni
The systemenclosure also contains docking stations, I'm guessing this computer has a docking station. (and has 2 records in tblsystemenclosure)

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