The report below lists all Lansweeper scanning errors with details
Select Top 1000 tsyserrors.Added As AddedDate,
tsyserrortype.Errorname As Type,
tsyserrors.Errormsg As Error,
tsyserrors.Scanserver As ScanServer,
Case tsyserrors.Errortype When 5 Then 'evinformationsm.png'
Else 'everrorsm.png' End As icon,
tsysASServers.Servicestarted As ServiceStarted,
tsysASServers.Servicelastpolled As ServiceLastPolled
From tsysASServers
Inner Join (tsyserrors
Inner Join tsyserrortype On tsyserrors.Errortype = tsyserrortype.ErrorType)
On tsysASServers.Servername = tsyserrors.Scanserver
Order By tsyserrors.Errorid Desc