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Engaged Sweeper
Hi all.
slowly learning SQL, and I need a bit of assistance on this one query.
I want to query all Active directory users that don't have an asset of type 909 assigned to them. To do this, I have the following script, but it isn't working 😞

select username
from tblADusers
where not exists
(select tbladusers.username

from tblADusers
inner join tblassetuserrelations on tbladusers.username=tblassetuserrelations.username
inner join tblAssets on tblAssetuserrelations.AssetID=tblAssets.AssetID
where tblassets.assettype =909

If I run the sub Query, it pull in all AD users that do have asset type 909 assigned to them. so shouldn't it be as simple as running a query to pull the user that aren't in the sub query?

Any help will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance ,
Engaged Sweeper III
Hello Dan,

I think this should do it for you.

SELECT tbladusers.username,
FROM tblADusers
INNER JOIN tblassetuserrelations ON tbladusers.username=tblassetuserrelations.username
INNER JOIN tblAssets ON tblAssetuserrelations.AssetID=tblAssets.AssetID
WHERE tblassets.assettype <> 909

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