I would like to share report on installed windows updates which shows details on windows assets plus date of latest windows update installed. In order to get this info, I used latest KB installed date in table yblQuickFixEngineering.
SELECT tblAssets.AssetID, tblAssets.AssetName, tsysOS.OSname, tblAssets.Username, tblAssets.IPAddress, tblAssets.Description,
MAX(CONVERT(datetime, InstalledOn)) as lastPatchDate,
FROM tblQuickFixEngineering
JOIN tblAssets on tblAssets.AssetID=tblQuickFixEngineering.AssetID
join tsysOS on tblAssets.OScode = tsysOS.OScode
Group by tblAssets.AssetID, tblAssets.AssetName, tsysOS.OSname, tblAssets.Username, tblAssets.IPAddress, tblAssets.Description,
Format of column InstalledOn is mm/dd/yyyy and Convert function nicely converts it to datetime. The issue here could be that you may have wrong date in some cell and convert might fail. You should note this report name (db view) because it will be required for the next query.
Next, you can create report with
Chart: prefix. This may be better utilized SQL code but it was my first shot. In this query, I wanted only clients using where OSname In ('Win 7', 'Win 8', 'Win 8.1',
'Win 10'). You may customize date period as needed.
Select Case
When PREVIOUSLYCREATEDREPORTNAME.lastPatchDate >= DateAdd(day, -7,
GetDate()) Then '1. less than a week'
When PREVIOUSLYCREATEDREPORTNAME.lastPatchDate < DateAdd(day, -7,
GetDate()) And PREVIOUSLYCREATEDREPORTNAME.lastPatchDate >= DateAdd(day,
-30, GetDate()) Then '2. less than a month'
When PREVIOUSLYCREATEDREPORTNAME.lastPatchDate < DateAdd(day, -31,
GetDate()) And PREVIOUSLYCREATEDREPORTNAME.lastPatchDate >= DateAdd(day,
-90, GetDate()) Then '3. less than 3 months' Else '4. more than 3 months'
End As DateRange,
count(*) As NumberOfAssets
Where PREVIOUSLYCREATEDREPORTNAME.OSname In ('Win 7', 'Win 8', 'Win 8.1',
'Win 10')
Group By Case
When PREVIOUSLYCREATEDREPORTNAME.lastPatchDate >= DateAdd(day, -7,
GetDate()) Then '1. less than a week'
When PREVIOUSLYCREATEDREPORTNAME.lastPatchDate < DateAdd(day, -7,
GetDate()) And PREVIOUSLYCREATEDREPORTNAME.lastPatchDate >= DateAdd(day,
-30, GetDate()) Then '2. less than a month'
When PREVIOUSLYCREATEDREPORTNAME.lastPatchDate < DateAdd(day, -31,
GetDate()) And PREVIOUSLYCREATEDREPORTNAME.lastPatchDate >= DateAdd(day,
-90, GetDate()) Then '3. less than 3 months' Else '4. more than 3 months'
Now you can call this report via Chart widget and get nice dashboard report on windows updates on clients