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Lansweeper Employee
Lansweeper Employee

As part of hosting your Lansweeper Site and data in the United States, some essential data is replicated across regions to maintain service performance and reliability. This data is strictly managed under our data protection protocols.

The following information is replicated across regions:

  • Account: Stores primary user account information, including name, surname, email, language, phone number, profile image URI, authentication provider, and timestamps for creation and updates.
  • Account Group: Manages groups of accounts, including the group name, description, associated site, and the users who created or updated the group.
  • Account Metadata: Stores additional or custom information about accounts, such as key-value pairs linked to each account.
  • App Account: Contains details about application-specific accounts, including app name, description, callback URL, logo, and whether the app is enabled or developed by a partner.
  • App Account Consent: Tracks user consents given for data processing in specific applications, including who created and updated the consent and the related app account.
  • App Account Manager Invitation: Manages invitations sent to individuals to manage app accounts, tracking ticket information, expiration, and the associated account and email.
  • App Account Managers: Lists the roles and associated accounts and apps that app managers are responsible for.
  • App Authorization Code: Stores temporary codes used to authorize apps, linked to app account consents.
  • App Certified Data: Contains certified data related to app accounts, such as landing page URLs, ensuring data integrity and compliance.
  • App Personal Access Token: Manages tokens used for personal access to applications, including expiration and consent linkage.
  • Authorization Action: Defines actions within the system that require authorization, including labels, contexts, and default roles.
  • Authorization Action Dependency: Tracks dependencies between different authorization actions.
  • Authorization Context: Holds labels and key details needed for making authorization decisions within specific contexts.
  • Entity Credential: Stores credentials associated with entities (installations, services … no users credentials here), including client secrets, expiration dates, and associated scopes.
  • Federated Custom Fields Migration Status: Monitors the migration status of custom fields in federated systems, tracking the site and current status.
  • Federated Metadata Fields Migration Status: Tracks the migration of metadata fields in federated systems, similar to custom fields.
  • Groups to Roles: Maps account groups to their associated roles within the system.
  • Installation: Stores specific information about each installation, primarily used for operational and tracking purposes. The FQDN is stored here.
  • Invitation: Manages invitations sent to users for accessing or managing resources, including ticket details and associated account information.
  • MSMP Authorized Action: Contains authorized actions within the Managed Services Management Platform (MSMP), including creation and update details.
  • MSMP Invitation: Tracks invitations specific to MSMP-related actions or roles, including ticket expiration and associated account information.
  • MSMP Organization: Stores information about organizations within the MSMP framework, including names and timestamps for creation and updates.
  • MSMP Organization Account: Links organization accounts with the MSMP platform, including roles, access status, and timestamps.
  • MSMP Organization Account Authorized Action: Records actions authorized for organization accounts within the MSMP, linked to specific authorized actions.
  • MSMP Organization Site: Contains details about sites associated with MSMP organizations, including creation and update information.
  • MSMP Visibility Group: Manages visibility groups within the MSMP, determining visibility settings and linking to organizations.
  • MSMP Visibility Group Account: Links accounts to visibility groups in the MSMP, tracking creation and update details.
  • MSMP Visibility Group Site: Associates sites with visibility groups in the MSMP, including creation and update timestamps.
  • Organization: The name, identifier, creation, and update details.
  • Organization Site: Contains information about sites associated with organizations, including creation and update details.
  • Partner Integration: Manages integrations with external partners, storing information like partner names, logos, and visibility settings.
  • Partner Service: Stores data related to services provided by partners, including manager and partner emails, categories, and logos.
  • Refresh Token: Manages tokens used to refresh access tokens, linked to app account consents.
  • Role: Defines different roles within the system, including role names, associated sites, and whether the role is read-only.
  • Role Actions Authorization Action: Links role-specific actions to authorization requirements within the system.
  • Role Installations Install: Tracks installations linked to specific roles.
  • Scope: Defines the scope of access or permissions within the system, including rules and descriptions for each scope.
  • Scopes to Roles: Maps scopes to roles, determining what roles can do within their defined scope.
  • Site: Stores comprehensive information about individual sites, including company details (name, description, email, and phone when they are filled in by the site owner), security settings, region, and subscription status.
  • Site App Granted: Tracks applications that have been granted access to specific sites, including creation and update details.
  • Site App Personal Granted: Manages personal access tokens granted to apps for accessing sites, linked to sites and tokens.
  • Site Installer: Stores details of installers used for site-related installations, including URLs and checksums.
  • Site Limit Reveal: Manages site-specific limitations and their visibility, including limit names and keys.
  • Site Metadata: Contains metadata associated with sites, such as key-value pairs related to site settings.
  • Site Metrics: Tracks metrics related to site performance and usage.
  • Site User Profile: Stores profiles of users associated with specific sites, including ownership status, last access time, and pending actions.
  • Site User Profiles to Groups: Links user profiles to groups within sites.
  • Site User Profiles to Roles: Associates user profiles with roles within sites.
  • SSO Connection: Manages connections for Single Sign-On (SSO) integrations, including connection types, authentication details, and expiration dates.
  • SSO Connection Managers: Tracks managers responsible for SSO connections, including roles and account associations.
  • SSO Domain: Stores information about domains used for SSO purposes, including verification codes and associated connection details.
  • Subscription: Manages subscription details, including asset limits, expiration dates, and license types for specific sites.

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Version history
Last update:
‎11-15-2024 05:35 PM
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