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Lansweeper Employee
Lansweeper Employee

In the realm of network management, control is not a luxury but a necessity. It's crucial to embrace the principle that not every user requires the keys to the kingdom. Admin access, while powerful, should be the exception, not the rule. By carefully structuring user accounts, roles, and permissions, you can ensure that each member of your team has the access they need—and nothing more.

Lansweeper allows you to be flexible when setting up your controlled environment. You might choose to begin by inviting users or by defining the asset scopes that will dictate the roles you later create.



Here’s a roadmap to help you navigate through this process:


Create an asset scope

Think of an asset scope as a canvas where you define what parts of your network landscape a role can interact with. Asset scopes are the boundaries that limit a particular user’s Lansweeper environment, controlling which assets users can view.

It's often more intuitive to define these scopes before introducing user accounts into the equation. For more information on creating asset scopes, see Configure scopes.


Manage accounts

If you’re planning on adding multiple accounts to your Lansweeper Site, consider clustering them into account groups for streamlined management.

  • Invite new users: Invite new users to join your Lansweeper site, placing them within pre-existing account groups, or keep them ungrouped until you’ve created the account groups you need.
  • Role assignment: Assign one or more roles to each user, with the flexibility to add additional roles if necessary.
  • Create account groups: Assign individual user accounts to a group and endow them with specific roles that reflect their duties and access needs.


Roles and permissions

Roles are made up of scopes and permissions that you have assigned to that role.

  • Default roles: Lansweeper provides five default roles—Administrator, Analyze Data, Application Admin, Manage Assets, and View Data—to cater to common use cases.
  • Customize roles: Instead of altering default roles, create new roles tailored to the unique permissions your teams require.
  • Configure roles for accounts and groups: Assign roles to individuals or account groups, bearing in mind that roles given to an account group apply to all members and are not individually modifiable.

For more information on roles and permissions, see Configure roles and permissions.


Now that all your primary settings and configurations are done, let's continue this training and explore Lansweeper and make the most of your free trial!


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Last update:
‎12-06-2023 07:38 PM
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