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Lansweeper Tech Support
Lansweeper Tech Support

Lansweeper uses a HAL (hardware abstraction layer) to scan hardware information on Linux computers. If a HAL is not installed on your Linux distribution by default, a "Hal-find-by-property" scanning error can occur.

To resolve the Linux scanning error:

  1. Verify whether a HAL is installed on your computer through a graphical package manager, or by entering one of the following commands in the terminal:
    • Debian, Linux Mint, Ubuntu: dpkg -s hal
    • Fedora, Mageia, Red Hat: rpm -q hal
    • Sabayon: equery list hal
  2. If it's not already, install a HAL. Use a graphical package manager or enter one of the following commands in the terminal:
    • Debian, Linux Mint, Ubuntu: apt-get install hal
    • Fedora, Mageia, Red Hat: sudo yum install hal
    • Mageia: sudo urpmi hal
    • Sabayon: sudo equo install hal
  3. To rescan your asset, go to Assets, select the asset you want to scan, then select Rescan asset

Your "Hal-find-by-property" error should now be resolved.

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Version history
Last update:
‎06-05-2024 09:22 AM
Updated by: