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Engaged Sweeper III

What are the locations that i need to update the password on the machine that runs lansweper. As when I change my account password which I use to scan machines, my account gets locked out after couple of minutes. I am not sure what are the specific locations that i need to update my passwords.

Could you please let me know the exact locations.

Lansweeper Alumni
Best to take a backup first (as always)

When you run the installer you can point to an existing database server, the setup will then create a new database on this server called "lansweeperdb"
Engaged Sweeper III
Thanks that worked out well. I had changed it in that same place before, not sure why it did nor work before. Anyways its fixed and working.

Also could you let me know what if I had to install lansweeper on a small business server 2003. It already have sqL 2005 installed on it. I run exchange server on it as well. Could you please hint me How should I install lansweeper on it. I am just confused about the new database that it needs to be created. I need to know the steps to make a new database on the sql server 2005 installed already.

I am afraid if I DO something wrong I might acually mess up the whole sever.

Thanks for your help in advance.

Lansweeper Alumni
If you download the documentation from it's on the very last page.


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