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Engaged Sweeper III
I was looking to add an action to open up the Nagios status page for an asset. In the future, I will be looking to integrate other Nagios actions via their REST API. The problem is that the Nagios CGI is case sensitive. Lansweeper has weird logic on the variables. I will have to probably create a script to correct the assetname case and then call the REST API. This is a lot of work for something that should be simple.

1. Is there a way to force {assetname} to be lowercase?
2. Lansweeper should have a few string functions to add to variable expansion.
3. Action variables should include {custom1}...{custom20}
4. Lansweeper should have case control over the various fields. A server setting to force assetname to always be a specific case.

Does anyone have suggestions on how to do this, or an undocumented function?



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