Dear Team
New Report :
We have to ask to the active directory for the following events.
528 Successful Logon
529 Logon Failure - Unknown user name or bad password
530 Logon Failure - Account logon time restriction violation
531 Logon Failure - Account currently disabled
532 Logon Failure - The specified user account has expired
533 Logon Failure - User not allowed to logon at this computer
534 Logon Failure - The user has not been granted the requested logon type at this
535 Logon Failure - The specified account's password has expired
536 Logon Failure - The NetLogon component is not active
537 Logon failure - The logon attempt failed for other reasons.
538 User Logoff
539 Logon Failure - Account locked out
540 Successful Network Logon
551 User initiated logoff
552 Logon attempt using explicit credentials
AD' has activated all events .
for lansweeper 5.x
Many Thanks
Ivan Sanchez