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Engaged Sweeper


We're using Lansweeper Classic (latest version) with a customer's on premises Active Directory environments. There are multiple AD Computer objects that are 'stale' or no longer in use. The need to be removed from AD, but we're not there yet. 

The problem we're facing is that most of these objects keep getting rediscovered, and I don't understand why that's happening. For instance, this happens: 

  • Day 1, discovery of OU where computer objects are located results in discovery of these computers
  • The computers are not reachable, either they're not found in DNS, they don't respond to ping or are not reachable (RPC or otherwise)
  • Day n, the unreachable computers somehow vanish from the local Lansweeper DB
  • Dan n+1, the computers are rediscover. GOTO Day 1. 

I believe that this is not normal behaviour, but the response van Lansweeper Support is: 'make sure that the computers are reachable and can be contacted'. 

Question: does anyone recognize this behaviour? Why do computers get removed from the database only to be rediscovered automatically? 



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