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Lansweeper Employee
Lansweeper Employee

I've got a bug or somehting with the "all installed software"-view where I can see all found software titles on the computer systems within my infrastructure.
Once I have clicked it under the software menu, it is not able to order the list correctly by softwarename and version.

I was able to check if the SQL query on the view was incorrect, but nothing was wrong there.
Something must be going incorrectly between the view passing the results to the website and parsing the results on the website ordered by software name and version.

Is there a maximum (technical) limit of ordering software titles?
Believe it or not, I have been able to collect 7200+ different software titles within my infrastructure...
So help is more than welcome.

sincerely, Cyphonteo
Lansweeper Employee
Lansweeper Employee
The SQL Query I use and that works for me:

SELECT TOP (10000) dbo.tblSoftware.softwareName AS Software, dbo.tblSoftware.softwareVersion AS Version, dbo.tblSoftware.SoftwarePublisher AS Publisher,
COUNT(dbo.tblSoftware.ComputerName) AS Total
FROM dbo.tblSoftware INNER JOIN
dbo.tblComputers ON dbo.tblSoftware.ComputerName = dbo.tblComputers.Computername
GROUP BY dbo.tblSoftware.softwareName, dbo.tblSoftware.softwareVersion, dbo.tblSoftware.SoftwarePublisher
ORDER BY Software, Version

Not applicable
Could you post your SQL query?
Lansweeper Employee
Lansweeper Employee

I have SQL Server 2005 with SP2 installed... and with the latest security updates and hotfixes.

I started using Lansweeper with sp2 already installed... so can't be that.
Maybe with installing a particular update/hotfix...
I didn't keep a log when it was noticed first and which (update) maintenance was scheduled before the notification.

Sincerely, Cyphonteo
Lansweeper Alumni
Strange, never heard of this.
Which sql version/service pack are you using?
Lansweeper Employee
Lansweeper Employee

I've solved it by editing the query for all software titles.
I changed "TOP (100) PERCENT" into "TOP(10000)" in the query of web30repsoftwaretotal.

Now all results are showing correctly.
Might be somehting to take it with the next update.

I'm not sure when it happened, but I think it happened after I surpassed the 6000-7000 software titles in the database.

Sincery, Cyphonteo.
Lansweeper Alumni

Could you post a screenshot of this behaviour please.


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