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Well I would love to have this and I know it may not be easy so I give some details of my ideas to explain the purpose of such request.

I have sometimes the need according to some reports I build (or even using existing reports) to perform batch operations over some clients. Usually I prefer to connect an excel spreadsheet with the web interface to refresh the data and then I copy/paste the hostames to my hostnames.txt, then I run the batch commands using something like:
FOR /F %%a in (hostnames.txt) Do delprof.exe /q /i /c:\\%%a /d:180

in this example I perform an automatic cleanup of profiles older than 180 days over all the host names specified on hostnames.txt

It would be great to have automatic output of the reports to build the reportname.txt file or have batch commands over some reports.

For instance I had a problem on some machines where computer browser stopped (a know bug by Microsoft on some conditions) and I could identify and apply the hotfixes remotelly without having to move the butt from my chair! 😉

here's that sample script to apply that hotfix:
FOR /F %%a in (hotfix_hostnames.txt) Do "\\server\share$\Lansweeper\psexec.exe" \\%%a -u username -p password -c "\\server\share$\Microsoft\hotfix computer browser\WindowsXP-KB889320-x86-ENU.exe" /quiet /norestart /passive

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