
This board contains archived posts from the retired Lansweeper Forum and Insiders Community.

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Customizable Return Codes

It would be nice to be able to translate the exit codes from numbers to a readable message.Out of the box LANSweeper would only define the most common codes like 5 to Access Denied.Create a section in configuration to define your own messagesExample...

NeoIsTaken by Engaged Sweeper II
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Backup of Lansweeper or off-line copy?

Hi All,We have have been slowly turning the Knowledgebase into a Configuration Management Database and it is now full of lots of useful things like out topologies, configs, accounts, etc etc and we were thinking if our main HQ is offline we would be ...

Ticket Dispatch Rules from AD

I would like to be able to setup ticket dispatch rules based on AD data. For example, if a user is a member of a particular group, then set this ticket type. Or if the user has a office set as East, then set this state. This information is already sc...

More Deployment Logic

I was very excited to start deploy products with this tool, only to find out the conditional logic is lacking critical options for the registry.Exist, Not Exist, =, and <> are a good start, but > and < are the most used by me. The options for file ve...

NeoIsTaken by Engaged Sweeper II
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PowerShell Version Report

The following report will allow you to get a list of computer/servers and their current highest version of PowerShell that is installed. The first step before running this report is to setup the following Registry keys for scanning under Scanning > ...

keys_it by Engaged Sweeper III
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Helpdesk: Count tickets by user

There are several different reports counting tickets by agent, but none listed by the user. Is there a way to get a report that lists the total number of tickets (all time is fine) per user? We want to see who are the "problem children" so to speak, ...

BIOS version

This report list me all the bios and tell me if the computer is not at the last bios but for some reason it stop working any idea ? Select Top 1000000 tblAssets_1.AssetID, tblAssets_1.AssetName, tblAssets_1.Domain, tblAssetCustom.Manufacturer, tb...

Bonneau21 by Engaged Sweeper
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report: Wireless connection name

I would like a report to see what the name of the wireless they are connecting to. Having a public Wi-Fi, but connecting to the cloud it doesn't matter, but it matters to the firewall, remote ability, maybe to find other issues that end users connec...

BrianM by Engaged Sweeper III
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