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Engaged Sweeper III

Is there a way to make an IP address clickable to go to that IP on a click? I can do a special webpage for this (such as it-ip.aspx) and populate it as I go on, but since the tables change, I would also not like to manually set a hyperlink for each entry...

We use Lansweeper 3.5.2

Engaged Sweeper III
That is good enough for me, we will figue out what we need to change, we were wondering if it was possible in the aspx pages without hard coding every IP but that is probably what we will end up doing.

You can move this to solved questions,

Engaged Sweeper III
We are ready to do some custom programming on the webpage or SQL scripts, if that is what you mean by custom programming. If instead you mean programming the exe files and the Lansweeper program itself, we will not modify those of course.

Could you give us some leads on what kind of programming to do?

Lansweeper Alumni
pentel wrote:
We are ready to do some custom programming on the webpage or SQL scripts, if that is what you mean by custom programming. If instead you mean programming the exe files and the Lansweeper program itself, we will not modify those of course.

I mean: changing the aspx pages.
(note that we don't support this if you get any errors)
Lansweeper Alumni
Without custom programming this will not be possible.