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Engaged Sweeper III
I have hundreds of PC's that are not being flagged as non-active. I have it set to move computers to non-active after 10 days. Here is an example of dates.

First seen: 03/25/2011 19:13:09

Last seen: 05/09/2011 10:55:01

Last tried: 10/25/2011 01:25:01

Anything I can do to get these flagged as non-active?
This is with version
Engaged Sweeper III
I do that as you instructed me at http://www.lansweeper.com/forum/yaf_postst5679_web40allcompstates-Statename.aspx

I have done nothing since this morning, and now all of my reports no longer have these PC's in them. Is it because the AD accounts for these PC's still exist? And the something in the schduled scan flags all existing AD accounts active until the cleanup runs?
Lansweeper Alumni
Non-active computers are included in some reports. To only include active computers in a report, link Web40ActiveComputers to tblComputers.
Engaged Sweeper III
I still have nearly 150 PC's that show back up in my reports every morning. Dispite those PC's having not been "seen" in months. Its as if the scheduled nightly scan is pulling them back in. Then at some point the cleanup action removes them.
Lansweeper Alumni
Cleanup actions are performed when the Lansweeper service is started and subsequently every 24 hours. This explains why computers may not be set to non-active immediately. For immediate results, try restarting your Lansweeper service.
Engaged Sweeper III
I dont know why. But since I posted this, All the PC's in question have disapeared from my reports. I can only guess that some process in Lansweeper finally ran and removed them.

So if you create a new report and see see some PC's that should be Non-Active, just wait a hour. Mine disapeared on their own from all 4 of my newly created reports.

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