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Engaged Sweeper
I have installed Lansweeper and only the server that it's installed on is showing up in computers.
I can run LSTrigger on any system and it connects with success. How do I build the computer list in Lansweeper?
I have installed the Premium version so I have not deployed anything to the remote computers.
Engaged Sweeper
You need to go to the Configuration Util, under Preminu Version and setup your domain information in the Active Scanning section... You can use the filter if you only want to update some of the domain information.
Lansweeper Alumni
Perkins wrote:
You need to go to the Configuration Util, under Preminu Version and setup your domain information in the Active Scanning section... You can use the filter if you only want to update some of the domain information.

This is correct, in case of doubt please post a screenshot of your domains entered.
Engaged Sweeper
I just installed the Premium version too and installed the license, but I too only see the computer that lansweeper is installed on. How do I do an initial scan? If you get an answer to this problem, please post it. Thanks


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