Is there a way to execute a script remotely on the distant computer (probably using psexec) so that the script will execute properly?
The script in question is a .bat file that calls a .vbs file, you need to first start the batch and it will in turn automatically call the vbscript file. Here is the current command I have tried inputting but that doesnt work :
cmd.exe /K \\SHARE\psexec.exe \\{computer} -c \\SHARE2\batch.bat
when I run this I get a psexec access denied error. Should i instead contact psexec support (sysinternals) or can this be solved with another command or tweaked to work?
added : the network share that hosts the batch file has full access to Everyone (for this particular batch security is not so important as long as it works) and adding the -u and -p switches to psexec doesnt work.