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Engaged Sweeper
So are these custom actions gone in version 5? Is there an equivalent?

Looking for simple ones like:

Change computer description
Offer remote assistance
Lansweeper Alumni
Note that custom actions are configured in the Configuration/Website Management/Asset Pages section of the Lansweeper 5.0 web console, should you be having trouble locating the appropriate configuration menu.
Lansweeper wrote:
Note that custom actions are configured in the Configuration/Website Management/Asset Pages section of the Lansweeper 5.0 web console, should you be having trouble locating the appropriate configuration menu.

Aaaahhh... they've been renamed to "Asset Actions". Ok, sorry. I never got the memo. 😉
Lansweeper Alumni
romwarrior wrote:
So are these custom actions gone in version 5? Is there an equivalent?

Looking for simple ones like:

Change computer description
Offer remote assistance

These actions were never part of the default Lansweeper installation, most likely you found them on the forum.
Lansweeper wrote:
These actions were never part of the default Lansweeper installation, most likely you found them on the forum.

Yes I know you had to get them from this forum, what I was really (poorly) asking is if the ability to do these custom actions is gone from version 5?
Champion Sweeper II
Here's what I use for changing a computer description.
Set WshNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network")

strComputer = Wscript.Arguments.Item(0)

Set Obj= GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer).InstancesOf("Win32_OperatingSystem")

For Each x In Obj

choice = MsgBox("The current Description for " & strComputer & " is: " & x.Description & VbCrLf & VbCrLf & _
"Do you want to change the Description in AD?",4,"Change Description?")

If choice = 6 Then
strNew = Inputbox("What should the new Description be for " & strComputer & "?","Enter Description",x.description)

x.Description = strNew

MsgBox "The Description of " & strComputer & " is now: " & x.Description,0,strComputer & " - " & x.Description

End If



It tells you what the description is currently (from Active Directory), and asks if you want to change it.
- If you say No, the script ends with no change.
- If you say Yes, it asks you for the new description and applies it to the computer description in AD. It then tells you what the description is after the change so you can verify that it changed.

I named the script ChgDescFULL.vbs. (If you name it ChgDesc.vbs, then the next time updates come through, it'll overwrite it with the old version. Or at least that's what seems to happen to me.)

The the action would look like this: cscript {actionpath}ChgDescFULL.vbs {computer}

I don't know about the Offer Remote Assistance.

Hope this helps.

Jono wrote:
Here's what I use for changing a computer description.

Thanks, Jono. I'll check it out...


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