Hi, I have several computers that was detected as devices and as computer, I deleted it in the device's list, but after that I made a manual scan appear again, How can I solve it ? Regards,Diego
After I select a date for purchase, warranty or last patched date using the date picker & click Save. The dates dissappear. If I type them manually & click save they stay.Also, the date formating seems to vary across fields. Some are MM/DD/YYYY & oth...
I have lansweeper installed on windows server 2008 VM and im trying to upgrade from to and the option to upgrade is greyed out. I still have UAC enabled on the machine, if that matters. I have tried rt clicking the setup.exe and run...
I am trying to develop a report that shows data for both devices and computers in one report:Device Name or Computer Name (depending on the table it resides in)IP Address (last known)LocationDepartmentBuildingHow is this possible? I tried doing a un...
Some of my devices reset to what they were initially found as after I have made changes to them and saved the changes. I hope this is like a switch that I haven't found to prevent this from happening.
I’m running LanSweeper version 4 (premium edition). As of the past 2 days, our server has been unresponsive – and the lansweeper webpage doesn’t even load. This is the error I'm getting in the event viewer: A process serving application pool 'Default...
I would like to be able to flag specific software as unapproved. Rather than having a report that only shows me (Not in tblapprovedsoftware) I would like to be able to run one that shows me all installed software that is in the tblprohibittedsoftwa...
In the "Basic" and "Advanced" actions menu of the workstations scanned, some of the actions are displayed as :javascript:runApp('\\\\MyServer\\lansweeper$\\screengrab.exe%workstation','true');Is it normal for the 4 "\" in front of the server name ? ...