You cannot scan for folders, but scanning the NTUSER.DAT file should work.
- Add the file path to the Lansweeper configuration console under Scanning Options\File Scanning. Example: C:\Documents and Settings\Jim\NTUSER.DAT
If your environment has mixed operating systems, you may need to scan for multiple paths. Under Windows 7 the path would be C:\Users\Jim\NTUSER.DAT for instance.
- To immediately scan for the file, perform a "Full Rescan" of the workstations you need.
- Scanned file info can be found on computer pages under Config\Scanned Info\File Info.
- Use the following report for an overview of the scanned information:
Select tblComputers.Computername, tblComputers.ComputerUnique,
tblFileVersions.FilePathfull As [Attempted to scan], tblFileVersions.Found,
tblFileVersions.FileVersion, tblFileVersions.CompanyName,
From tblComputers Inner Join
tblFileVersions On tblComputers.Computername = tblFileVersions.Computername
Where tblFileVersions.FilePathfull = 'C:\Documents and Settings\Jim\NTUSER.DAT'
Order By tblComputers.ComputerUnique