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Engaged Sweeper
For those who use Dameware to take remote control over their computer, we have integrated the launch of the remote control tool in our Lansweeper environment. you will still need to install your licensed dameware on your local computer, but with this command you can easily launch a remote connection to the computer in lansweeper.

"C:\Program Files (x86)\SolarWinds\DameWare Remote Support\DWRCC.exe" -c: -m:{computer} -u:<adminname> -d:<domainname> -a:2

replace <adminname> by the account of a default user with admin access to this computer. (when the remote connection tool is started you can still enter a personalized account, its not necessary to include the -u parameter. with parameter -p you can also include the password for the above adminname account, offcourse for security reasons it is not advised to do so.
replace <domainname> by the domain of the adminuser account.
Engaged Sweeper
Moorken wrote:
For those who use Dameware to take remote control over their computer, we have integrated the launch of the remote control tool in our Lansweeper environment. you will still need to install your licensed dameware on your local computer, but with this command you can easily launch a remote connection to the computer in lansweeper.

"C:\Program Files (x86)\SolarWinds\DameWare Remote Support\DWRCC.exe" -c: -m:{computer} -u:<adminname> -d:<domainname> -a:2

replace <adminname> by the account of a default user with admin access to this computer. (when the remote connection tool is started you can still enter a personalized account, its not necessary to include the -u parameter. with parameter -p you can also include the password for the above adminname account, offcourse for security reasons it is not advised to do so.
replace <domainname> by the domain of the adminuser account.


We have configured the Dameware Connection as described above, but are still unable to connect. I believe it is because we use Windows Authentication to sign-in with Dameware and not a general admin account. Is there a solution or work-around that will allow us to use Dameware as configured but launch it from Lansweeper?



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