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Engaged Sweeper III
When looking at an individual pc's action screen, 2 reports show up under "dashboard compliance" in our environment. What determines the reports that show up under this heading?
Engaged Sweeper III
No, it was not. "Computername" field added and now this report shows up under 'dashboard compliance'. Thanks for the quick response.
Engaged Sweeper III
I did find the topic "Dashboard Compliance SP?" under the premium users section that provides some insight. But there is at least one other report where this particular pc matches the query of the report, yet the report isn't listed under Dashboard Compliance. This is the reason for my initial question.
Lansweeper Alumni
googoo wrote:
I did find the topic "Dashboard Compliance SP?" under the premium users section that provides some insight. But there is at least one other report where this particular pc matches the query of the report, yet the report isn't listed under Dashboard Compliance. This is the reason for my initial question.

is the field "computername" in this report?


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