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Engaged Sweeper
We're currently evaluating LANSweeper in our organization. On a test machine(XP), LANSweeper installed fine and seems to be exactly what we've been looking for. The problem comes when try to move our installation to a production server. LANSweeper won't install on our server because Mixed Mode Authentication is not turned on (turning it on is not an option).

I've tried deselecting database install, and even website install in the setup, but it still complains that mixed-mode is turned off (even thought I have selected Windows Authentication and the setup routine finds the Windows Mode connection just fine).

Is there a way to get around this, or even manually install the application?

Lansweeper Alumni
Change lansweeperservice.exe.config and web.config connectionstring to
"Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=lansweeperdb;Data Source=servername"

For the service change your service account to "global\lansweeper" then restart the service.

For the website, adjust the application pool the website is running on and specify the "global\lansweeper" user.
Engaged Sweeper
I have also been trying to run against a SQL server with only Windows Authentication. I have attemted to modify the web.config and the Lansweeperservice.exe.config file. I just cannot seem t get it to work.

our new user is "global\lansweeper" with a password of "lansweeper174532".

Can you detail the exact changes you would make to the files?
Lansweeper Alumni
You can enable mixed authentication and after the installation turn mixed authentication back off.

You will manually need to change the web.config and lansweeperservice.exe.config file to support integrated authentication.