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Champion Sweeper II
I was wondering what is the best way to setup a deployment setup in lansweeper for a long running install.
if we have a win10 upgrade located at a remote path
we could easily run this in a remote system prompt (psexec) and it would work fine even after exiting the prompt. It would install, upgrade and reboot. fine.

\\FILESERVER\win10\setup.exe /auto upgrade /Quiet /CopyLogs c:\temp

but, if i want to put this into a Deployement, really I just need 1 command step but that seems to not show it never finishing.

I really don't need to , and probably can't track the status of that as it will either run and work or not, but that will take hours to find out. most likely with a reboot in the middle of it all. So a'll i'm looking to do is just return back a success if the command can execute successfully.
I tried setting it to a step of

cmd /c \\FILESERVER\win10\setup.exe /auto upgrade /Quiet /telemetry disable /CopyLogs c:\temp

to just get the error level of the cmd prompt after it exists, but it seems to still wait for it forever also. I ended up with an error " Result: Deployment ended: Unknown error (0xc1900208" .

So really I just want to be able to execute the command and don't really care of the outcome , as long as the command prompt accepted the command without error and exits. So what is the best way to do this?
Do i really need to keep the Deployement MAximum Duration set really really high?

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