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Engaged Sweeper

any chance to ignore special Drive's for the Report called

"Disk: Workstations less than 1 GB free HD"

then i'm not interested what the User have space on the Drive E: and F:

Please let me know that then i can ignore this in my Domain on Workstations. Only on Servers i have to check. 😉
Engaged Sweeper
Great! Thanks!
Lansweeper Alumni
You can use the code below to exclude drives E: and F: from the report "Disk: Workstations less than 1 GB free HD".

Select Top 1000000 tblComputers.Computername, tblComputers.ComputerUnique,
Web40OSName.OSname, tblOperatingsystem.Description, tblDiskdrives.Caption,
Cast(Cast(tblDiskdrives.Freespace As bigint) / 1024 / 1024 As numeric) As
Free, Cast(Cast(tblDiskdrives.Size As bigint) / 1024 / 1024 As numeric) As
[Total size], tblDiskdrives.Lastchanged As [Last changed],
Web40OSName.Compimage As icon
From tblComputers Inner Join
tblDiskdrives On tblComputers.Computername = tblDiskdrives.Computername
Inner Join
tblOperatingsystem On tblComputers.Computername =
tblOperatingsystem.Computername Inner Join
web40ActiveComputers On tblComputers.Computername =
web40ActiveComputers.Computername Inner Join
Web40OSName On Web40OSName.Computername = tblComputers.Computername Inner Join
tblComputersystem On tblComputers.Computername =
Where tblDiskdrives.Caption Not Like '%E%' And Cast(Cast(tblDiskdrives.Freespace
As bigint) / 1024 / 1024 As numeric) < 1024 And Cast(Cast(tblDiskdrives.Size
As bigint) / 1024 / 1024 As numeric) <> 0 And tblComputersystem.Domainrole < 2
And tblDiskdrives.DriveType = '3' And tblDiskdrives.Caption Not Like '%F%'
Order By Cast(Cast(tblDiskdrives.Freespace As bigint) / 1024 / 1024 As numeric),


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