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Engaged Sweeper
I cannot get Lansweeper to do the first scan. I can only see one computer, which is the Computer that Lansweeper is installed on.

I have set it on OU filtering and want to scan a specific OU initially, but it dont seem to be scanning anything? I have put the Active Diretory path in correctly. Do I need to do anything to trigger the scanning? We have the premium version.

Lansweeper Alumni
blm wrote:
I have been able to scan one OU within AD, but since then I have added a new OU in the OU filtering and its not scanning anymore PC's.

I have looked in the Errorlog.txt and its giving some errors on that, below is the error.

18/02/2010 14:54:39: Failed to listen on prefix 'http://*:9524/' because it conflicts with an existing registration on the machine.
at System.Net.HttpListener.AddAll()
at System.Net.HttpListener.Start()
at LansweeperService.Listen.DoListen()
at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()

This error means that port 9524 is already in use by another program, that's why the service won't start.
You can check the used ports by typing "netstat - a"
Engaged Sweeper
When I do a test connection to any of the PC's that works fine as well. I am just wondering whether it is polling the AD Servers or if there is some other settings that I am forgetting to do?
Engaged Sweeper
Do you not put the domain information if you want to scan the whole domain? I just wanted to scan a particular OU so do I still need to put the domain information in the OU filtering?
Lansweeper Alumni
blm wrote:
Do you not put the domain information if you want to scan the whole domain? I just wanted to scan a particular OU so do I still need to put the domain information in the OU filtering?

Yes, you need to fill in both tabs if you want to scan a particular OU
Lansweeper Alumni
There are two tabs for active scanning
1) Domain information
2) OU filtering

You probably forgot to fill in (1) which is required.
Engaged Sweeper
I have put the correct domain name OU=XP Desktops Car,OU=Computers,OU=Cardiff,DC=*******,DC=COM

There is no other field that I can see needs to completed for it to scan?
Lansweeper Alumni
When you do OU filtering you also need to fill in the correct domain dns name and netbiosname of this domain.