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Engaged Sweeper
Ran the setup for 4.0 on our premium Lansweeper server, the SQL database is hosted on another server.

Setup seems to have stalled at this point and I am unsure if I should kill this or just let it go?? Been running for 4hours against a db of 2.5gb.

"Setup is updating your database to the latest version"
Currently running sql code:
-- end check all constraints
-- PRINT 'Changing computername keyfield'
DECLARE @computername nvarchar(300)
DECLARE @TEMPSQL nvarchar(4000)
SET @TEL = 1
Declare Allcomputers cursor for
select computername from tblcomputers

open Allcomputers
fetch next from Allcomputers into @computername
WHILE @@fetch_status = 0
SET @TEMPSQL = N'update tblcomputers set computername = ' + '''' + cast(@TEL as varchar) + '''' + ' where computername = ' + '''' + @computername + ''''
EXEC sp_executesql @TEMPSQL

SET @TEL = @TEL + 1
FETCH NEXT FROM Allcomputers INTO @computername

CLOSE Allcomputers
DEALLOCATE Allcomputers
Engaged Sweeper II
Just wanted to give a heads up to everyone. Ours was only around 4gb with about 8500 objects and it took approximately 8 days for the upgrade to complete.

I know I had posted previously in this thread but I never gave an update as far as completion.
Engaged Sweeper
Just wanted to toss my 2 cents in on this subject. We have a 1GB datbase with 2332 rows, it took about 3 hours.

Our mission is to provide Christ-like healing to the community through education, treatment and health services.
Lansweeper Alumni
It means the upgrade is still in progress.
The step that "hangs" is converting all computernames to numbers (which can take a long time)
Engaged Sweeper

wht does that mean ? I can see only 1469 computers converted in mumbers . It keeps incraesing slowly . Does it mean that upgrade is still going on ?

IF so i have 17 K systems in my data base and after 5 days , only 1469 systems are upgraded !!!

Please guide me on this
Lansweeper Alumni
You can launch a "select computername from tblcomputers" to check which computernames have already been converted in numbers.
Engaged Sweeper
I initiated upgrae to 4.0 vesrion from 3.5.2 ( premium version ) . My database size is 12 GB and with a log file size of 2 GB. Its more than 4 days!!! ( 96 hours ) the upgrade is running and its showing the following data. Now hen i checked the db log file, it has reduced to 250 MB , my server holds nearly 17K computers and db is located in a dedicated server calls system which is placed in a 100 MB LAN n/w. I really dont have any cluse whats happening , whether i should wait or not ?Please help.
end check all constraints
-- PRINT 'Changing computername keyfield'
DECLARE @computername nvarchar(300)
DECLARE @TEMPSQL nvarchar(4000)
SET @TEL = 1
Declare Allcomputers cursor for
select computername from tblcomputers

open Allcomputers
fetch next from Allcomputers into @computername
WHILE @@fetch_status = 0
SET @TEMPSQL = N'update tblcomputers set computername = ' + '''' + cast(@TEL as varchar) + '''' + ' where computername = ' + '''' + @computername + ''''
EXEC sp_executesql @TEMPSQL

SET @TEL = @TEL + 1
FETCH NEXT FROM Allcomputers INTO @computername

CLOSE Allcomputers
DEALLOCATE Allcomputers
Champion Sweeper
It's up to 4500 / 6031 when I left today, I expect it to be done by wednesday.
Engaged Sweeper
poweld1 wrote:
It's up to 4500 / 6031 when I left today, I expect it to be done by wednesday.


My upgrade to Lansweeper 4.0 went fine but took me 4days for the sql database conversion to finish on my server
lansweeper database is 2.4GB running on a windows server 2003 VMware with SQL 2005.
Not applicable
Seems like I've got stressed about reading the forum posts. The conversion ended, but I only have about 580 pc's, and before they were 700 and something.


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