I initiated upgrae to 4.0 vesrion from 3.5.2 ( premium version ) . My database size is 12 GB and with a log file size of 2 GB. Its more than 4 days!!! ( 96 hours ) the upgrade is running and its showing the following data. Now hen i checked the db log file, it has reduced to 250 MB , my server holds nearly 17K computers and db is located in a dedicated server calls system which is placed in a 100 MB LAN n/w. I really dont have any cluse whats happening , whether i should wait or not ?Please help.
end check all constraints
-- PRINT 'Changing computername keyfield'
DECLARE @computername nvarchar(300)
DECLARE @TEMPSQL nvarchar(4000)
SET @TEL = 1
Declare Allcomputers cursor for
select computername from tblcomputers
open Allcomputers
fetch next from Allcomputers into @computername
WHILE @@fetch_status = 0
SET @TEMPSQL = N'update tblcomputers set computername = ' + '''' + cast(@TEL as varchar) + '''' + ' where computername = ' + '''' + @computername + ''''
EXEC sp_executesql @TEMPSQL
SET @TEL = @TEL + 1
FETCH NEXT FROM Allcomputers INTO @computername
CLOSE Allcomputers
DEALLOCATE Allcomputers