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Engaged Sweeper
I've found two topics from 2008 and 2010 asking about it, but nothing recent. Can Lansweeper inventory DSN connections?
Champion Sweeper
Being able to scan for a wildcard or partial registry key would go on my wishlist.
Lansweeper Alumni
Technut27 wrote:
Being able to scan for a wildcard or partial registry key would go on my wishlist.

This is on our wish list, but we do not currently have a release date for this feature.
Engaged Sweeper
To do a custom registry scan for the info, won't I already have to know what entries are there or can it list subitems?
Lansweeper Alumni
asigiam60 wrote:
To do a custom registry scan for the info, won't I already have to know what entries are there or can it list subitems?

You would already have to know the registry paths. Wildcards are not currently possible for registry scanning.
Lansweeper Alumni
The only possible way to scan this information at this time is through custom registry scanning. We will add your request for a built-in functionality to our customer wish list.


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