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Engaged Sweeper II
Congratulations on such a great app! We are really enjoying it so far. We are trying to do some customizations though and are wondering if we could get a little help. One thing we noticed that was missing from the Lansweeper console and its data for each client scanned is an enumeration of IP and NIC information. For example, we have many servers that have more than one network card (load balancing, etc.) which entails multiple IPs and some that have multiple IPs bound to the same network card. The only place I have seen the IP address in the Lansweeper display is under Userinfo-->Logon-->IP Address. I do see that there is another place in Hardware-->Network-->IP Address where you enumerate all instances of Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration but the IP Address filed in that table is empty. I was working on writing our own server display app a while back using VB Script with WMI calls to each server to facilitate the data collection into SQL (I believe this is probably similar to how the lsclient works) and then displaying that data with asp pages. I found your product and realized it was doing everything I was trying to do with my script and much more. I did find a method of getting all of the IP Address and corresponding NIC info though and it works perfectly. The code is shown below:

'Get inside IP address
Set IPConfigSet = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration WHERE IPEnabled=TRUE",,48)

For Each IPConfig in IPConfigSet
If Not IsNull(IPConfig.IPAddress) Then
For i=LBound(IPConfig.IPAddress) to UBound(IPConfig.IPAddress)
objRecordSet2("Computername") = serverName
objRecordSet2("IPAddress") = IPConfig.IPAddress(i)
objRecordSet2("NIC") = IPConfig.Description
End If

In my SQL DB IPAddress table this code produces results as shown below:

Server IPAddress NIC ID
-------- ------------ ----- ----
Myserver Intel(R) Advanced Network Services Virtual Adapter 1
Myserver Intel(R) Advanced Network Services Virtual Adapter 2
Myserver Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet 3

I hope this makes sense the way I'm explaining it. My question is: Is this a customization you guys could do for us for a price? If not, what would I need to do in order to add a new table to the Lansweeper database to facilitate this and have it be displayed via the Webconsole? My plan is to run my script to update the IPAddress table and use the Lansweeper console to display it. What would I need to change in the aspx code of yours to add a new icon and hyperlink to the bottom bar (probably right next to the Internet Explorer icon) and then display the IP/NIC info in the bottom pane? I have looked at the code a little bit but since I'm not too familiar with I am lost when it comes to code like:


What exactly is that statement doing and what needs to be in place for my idea to work? Sorry for the lengthy post but I just want to be clear on what we want to accomplish here. Thanks for your time.
Engaged Sweeper II
When I go to Hardware-->Network I see all of the network stuff (NIC, WAN Miniport, Direct Parallel, etc.) but there are no IPAddresses listed for any of the clients we have scanned. What could be the problem?
Lansweeper Alumni
Pleas email me if you need extra info.
Lansweeper Alumni
The query : "Select * from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration WHERE IPEnabled=TRUE" is what I use in lansweeper, so this should work.


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