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Engaged Sweeper
I am new to LanSweeper but so far it seems very useful. One thing I'm looking for that doesn't seem to be working is the IP addresses assigned to the machine. Right now we just have it querying one server that has 3 dedicated static IPs on it. When I click on the given server in the list and go to the Configuration Browser --> Hardware --> Network... I see a list of the network adapters. The problem is this box has 2 NICs and on the box they're called "Intel(R) PRO/1000 MT Network Connection" and "Intel(R) PRO/1000 MT Network Connection #2". In the list, I only see one called "Intel(R) PRO/1000 MT Network Connection" and it is blank under IP, DHCP is listed as true and the MAC Address is blank. So here are the issues with that...

1. Intel(R) PRO/1000 MT Network Connection #2 is disabled so it makes sense that it doesn't show. However, #1 is not set to DHCP (but #2 is even though it's disabled if that helps somehow)
2. There should be 3 IP addresses and a MAC address for #1.

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
Engaged Sweeper
Ok great! Thanks for researching. Do you have any kind of a projected ETA on when something like that would be added and when a release would be available? Thanks a ton!
Lansweeper Alumni
I can confirm the problem.
This only happens when you have multiple ipaddresses for one network card.
I need to fix this.
Engaged Sweeper
Here is what the network screen looks like on the web for one of the computers.
Lansweeper Alumni
In the web interface you should only see the adapters with "ipenabled = true"
For the other card, did it have 3 ipaddresses on the same adapter?
Engaged Sweeper
Here's the attachment.
Lansweeper Alumni
You can click the "attach" button after you made a post.
Engaged Sweeper
Here are the tab delimited contents of the table. I couldn't figure out how to attach a file so I just pasted it in. Let me know if there's another way.

NetworkID Computername Databasepath DefaultIPGateway Description DHCPenabled DHCPLeaseexpires DHCPLeaseobtained DHCPserver DNSDomain DNSDomainSuffixSearchOrder DNSEnabledForWinsResolution DNSHostname DNSServerSearchOrder DomainDNSRegistrationEnabled FullDNSRegistrationEnabled GatewayCostMetric IPAddress IPConnectionMetric IPEnabled IPFiltersecurityEnabled IPPortSecurityEnabled IPSecPermitIPProtocols IPSecPermitTCPPorts IPSubnet MACaddress ServiceName SettingID TcpipNetbiosOptions WINSEnableLMHostsLookup WINSPrimaryserver WINSScopeID WINSSecondaryserver Lastchanged
1 MDLP03-PRODINTR RAS Async Adapter False False AsyncMac {7063473C-D5F3-46B1-A26E-D0557E2D8FCB} 2008-06-30 14:26:37.397000000
2 MDLP03-PRODINTR WAN Miniport (L2TP) False False Rasl2tp {0589E8D5-12E2-448F-B58B-F6F3CB3087F2} 2008-06-30 14:26:37.397000000
3 MDLP03-PRODINTR WAN Miniport (PPTP) False False 50:50:54:50:30:30 PptpMiniport {87EB1098-C04D-44CA-80B3-65CC73DB5077} 2008-06-30 14:26:37.397000000
4 MDLP03-PRODINTR WAN Miniport (PPPOE) False False 33:50:6F:45:30:30 RasPppoe {79B808AD-4E79-43D5-A2C1-6185908EB0A8} 2008-06-30 14:26:37.413000000
5 MDLP03-PRODINTR Direct Parallel False False Raspti {80DACF12-87A5-4D8C-9F12-1EFD8842B039} 2008-06-30 14:26:37.413000000
6 MDLP03-PRODINTR WAN Miniport (IP) False False NdisWan {909F56A0-ED06-4069-B159-4096EC55AC33} 2008-06-30 14:26:37.413000000
8 MDLP03-PRODINTR Intel(R) PRO/1000 MT Network Connection True False E1000 {16E24CFB-9449-405B-AFE2-19D1E3BEFBF3} 2008-06-30 14:26:37.523000000
9 MDLP03-PRODINTR Trend Micro Common Firewall Miniport False False tmcfw {715269D8-7239-498F-98F0-210B74CC354D} 2008-06-30 14:26:37.553000000
10 MDLP03-PRODINTR Trend Micro Common Firewall Miniport False False 00:11:43:E9:40:A0 tmcfw {01E713EC-B6CC-4C80-AFC4-C039EC770951} 2008-06-30 14:26:37.570000000
11 MDLP03-PRODINTR Trend Micro Common Firewall Miniport False False 48:60:20:52:41:53 tmcfw {8A1E4F4B-1B5B-43BA-A48B-D5E0C25B4A92} 2008-06-30 14:26:37.570000000
12 MDLP03-PRODINTR WAN Miniport (Network Monitor) False False NdisWan {081A5F23-BC25-4FCD-81A4-0CA8EAE84410} 2008-06-30 14:26:37.570000000
13 MDLP03-PRODINTR Trend Micro Common Firewall Miniport False False 48:60:20:52:41:53 tmcfw {95F53E82-1E90-4811-8CC5-9A1BC2161709} 2008-06-30 14:26:37.583000000
14 MDLP03-WEBCF01 Intel(R) PRO/1000 MT Network Connection True False E1000 {15ADEAB5-C47C-4227-8ED1-53EF9946A35D} 2008-07-01 11:37:09.597000000
16 MDLP03-WEBCF01 RAS Async Adapter False False AsyncMac {49936318-56F9-4933-9076-7EBBEAAABEFC} 2008-07-01 11:37:10.643000000
17 MDLP03-WEBCF01 WAN Miniport (L2TP) False False Rasl2tp {B0713B78-A39F-46FD-B1BD-B570A369AB86} 2008-07-01 11:37:11
18 MDLP03-WEBCF01 WAN Miniport (PPTP) False False 50:50:54:50:30:30 PptpMiniport {B36119AD-D6B2-44E0-A446-D13D54620121} 2008-07-01 11:37:11.173000000
19 MDLP03-WEBCF01 WAN Miniport (PPPOE) False False 33:50:6F:45:30:30 RasPppoe {D95E2117-F2B6-4E36-AF43-D0C3099AA230} 2008-07-01 11:37:11.563000000
20 MDLP03-WEBCF01 Direct Parallel False False Raspti {5B02012B-BAC2-42FE-B703-3F37BF42485E} 2008-07-01 11:37:11.797000000
21 MDLP03-WEBCF01 WAN Miniport (IP) False False NdisWan {E7F27235-5E9E-46AE-A516-220CC0B6CE45} 2008-07-01 11:37:12.140000000
22 MDLP03-WEBCF01 Trend Micro Common Firewall Miniport False False 48:28:20:52:41:53 tmcfw {0021A02A-2B11-4728-9503-ECF110631F1F} 2008-07-01 11:37:12.407000000
23 MDLP03-WEBCF01 Trend Micro Common Firewall Miniport False False 00:13:72:57:CB:FE tmcfw {197631D1-1103-4B60-AD40-A87B0DE9F5B8} 2008-07-01 11:37:12.640000000
24 MDLP03-WEBCF01 Trend Micro Common Firewall Miniport False False tmcfw {D575A16B-DB79-4D02-83E7-785B51DC0D25} 2008-07-01 11:37:12.830000000
Lansweeper Alumni
If possible could you upload an extract of this table please.
Engaged Sweeper
I looked in the tblNetworkClient table and I don't see anything except for the name of the computer name, the network adapter name, DHCP setting, IP enabled (listed as false for all of them), MAC Address and Service Name. Does it have to do with the IP Enabled setting? Or is there some other information you have to do to get the system to report the IPs? Also, is it supposed to list if the adapter has more than one IP? I appreciate the help.


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