Please contact us at and provide us with the following:
- Link to this forum thread.
- Screenshots of all scanning methods found under Scanning Servers\Your Server: Active Scanning, Workgroup Scanning, IP Range Scanning and Scheduled Scanning.
- Output of the report below, preferably in Excel format.
Select tblComputers.Computername, tblComputers.ComputerUnique,
tblComputers.Domain, tblComputers.Firstseen, tblComputers.Lastseen,
tblComputers.Lasttried, tblComputers.Lasttriggered,
tblComputers.LastScheduled, tblComputers.LastActiveScan,
tblComputers.LastLsPush, tblComputers.LastknownIP, tblComputers.IPNumeric,
tblComputers.Scanserver, tblComputers.OScode, tblComputers.SP,
tblerrors.CFGname, tblerrors.ErrorText, tblerrors.Lastchanged,
tsysDomainPasswords.Username, tsysDomainPasswords.Credtype
From tblComputers Left Join
tblerrors On tblComputers.Computername = tblerrors.Computername Left Join
tsysDomainPasswords On tsysDomainPasswords.Domain = tblComputers.Domain
Order By tblComputers.ComputerUnique, tblerrors.Lastchanged Desc
To use the specified report, do the following:
• Open the Lansweeper configuration console and select Reports & Alerts\Report Builder. Hit the “New” button.
• Copy the SQL code provided and paste it at the bottom of the newly created report, replacing the default SQL code.
• Click somewhere near tblComputers so the new code applies.
• Give the report a “View name” and a “Report name” and hit the “Save” button.
• Double-click on the report in the report list to see its results and export options.